Monday, 20 July 2015

Bags of Beauty

Because August is women’s month, our next project will focus on abused, neglected and homeless women all over Johannesburg.

Our goal is to put together as many bags as possible.

Each bag will include the following:

- Toothpaste
- Toothbrush
- Soap
- Roll-On
- Deodorant
- Lip Ice / Zambuk
- Vaseline
- Body Lotion
- Ear Buds
- Wet Wipes
- Feminine Hygiene Products

These are all the basic items every woman can use on a day-to-day basis but many cannot afford these luxuries.

How can you help?

1. By donating one or more of the items on our list. These items range from about R8 – R20 each so you can easily add it to your basket next time you go shopping – and you won’t have to break the bank. I will then collect and sort all these items to ensure each bag has all eleven items before it is handed out.

2. If you are feeling generous you can shop for and pack your own bag of goodies. This will cost you about R150 per bag. If you choose this option, please be sure to include all the items on the list. I will then collect this from you once you’re done
There are so many women raped each day, suffering abuse, living on the street or just in need of a little pampering.

I’ve seen it time and time again – if we all work together we CAN make a huge difference!!!

Please get in touch if you want to help.

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